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Coronavirus Updates

We realise there is much anxiety around due to the coronavirus. Please do keep in mind we have to monitor the situation day by day, but we want to have a plan in mind to help all our young adults and their families as well as keeping everyone here safe. We hope the following information will help you know what we are trying to do. Our intention is to keep REACCH open as much as possible. We have increased cleaning regimes and ask all REACCH members, families, staff teams and visitors to the site to note the following to ensure we keep our REACCH community safe. REACCH is working in the following ways.

  • Steam cleaning and anti-bac to all areas including kitchen areas, toilets, tables, desks and door handles twice a day.

  • Providing time in the schedules for extra handwashing with hot water and soap.

  • Ant-bac wipes for phones, laptops etc provided for daily use.

  • Handwashing procedures reminders every morning and ensure everyone washing their hands at arrival and before leaving for home.

  • Anyone at all in the staff team or REACCH members or members of their family with a cold, sore throat or any tummy bugs or anything that may weaken anyone's immune system is being asked to remain home for 7 days to keep things as preventative as possible.

  • If anyone has the symptoms of Coronavirus, a high temperature and a cough, or anyone in the household of a person who attends REACCh has these symptoms please follow the government guidelines and remain in self-isolation for 14 days and seek medical support as necessary.

If REACH does need to close during a lockdown or as a result of a positive test, we at REACCH will try to help in the following ways.

  • REACCH will aim to provide a support service by text, phone, Whats App, Messenger, Skype etc for any REACCH members who would like to access this during term time on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during our usual working weeks within the hours 9:30-4:00 PM. Times will be allocated for such support.

  • REACCH will aim to provide a support service by text, phone, Whats App, Messenger, Skype etc for all REACCH families who request support during term time on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during our usual working weeks within the hours 9:30-4:00 PM. Times will be allocated for such support.

  • REACCH will aim to provide general advice on providing autism support for those who are anxious.

  • REACCH will aim to provide activity ideas and projects to do at home for those young adults for whom this is useful.

  • REACCH will provide some online community links where possible for young people to join in with.

Information and help on using WhatsApp, Messenger, Skype etc can be found by clicking 


More information about Coronavirus can be found


Short and long term plan

Funding support to keep REACCH operating in the long term. REACCH would like to ask all families who pay by direct debit to the programme to continue their weekly or invoiced payments to REACCH. We hope that most of you will support us in this.

REACCH will use your continued funding to ensure that placements are reserved for each person for when the situation has settled. It is imperative that we enable REACCH to continue after the crisis period and without this interim support we may not be able to do so. Therefore, it would be most appreciated if you can continue your payments to us. The funding remaining in place through the crisis will help us specifically to:

  • retain the staff team to operate when the crisis is over

  • provide a support service through the situation on set days 

  • offer some alternative days for young people to attend during usual holiday periods to compensate for closure e.g. August holidays etc 


Reduced lockdown stage: If staff and young people at REACCH are well and there is not a complete lockdown REACCH will try to provide a reduced programme of days during any period that this is safe and allows us to function.

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