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Writer's pictureREACCH

What we have been up to!

Woodwork items being made this year by REACCH members

We have been making trugs and wheelbarrow planters for Marwood Hill. We are selling them to raise funds for the project.

Three trugs above made by REACCH members.

A bluetit birdhouse made and painted by REACCH members.

50s and 60s Project

The focus at REACCH has been the 50s and 60s project. Some of us have been producing silhouette art based on topics which include pop musical artists, motor vehicles and inspirational people.

We started by finding pictures of the things we wanted to trace, and we initially traced them using a pencil on tracing paper.

We then painted the images and then we have displayed them.

The cooking group have been making food from these eras which includes making scones, jelly and ice cream, fudge and Victoria sandwiches.

The music group has also been performing songs from the 50s and 60s as well as songs from artists born in these eras.

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Delanie Lucas
May 09, 2023

really would like a wheelbarrow planter. Xxx


Cathy Grieve
Apr 26, 2023

Wonderful to get an update on your many and varied activities. Very well done to you all. I’m particularly interested in your latest silhouette art - such iconic images and so good to see you putting them to further creative use. The wheelbarrow planters are lovely - the one I was once gifted from REACCH is currently showing some now fading daffodils but also some lovely tulips just blooming. It always reminds me of you all at REACCH - such lovely memories. Keep working hard all of you. Hope to catch up with you soon. Best wishes, Cathy


Apr 25, 2023

That all looks really good. Well done everyone. Nice to see the return of the silhouettes as well.

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