Woodwork jobs at REACCH are very varied. Quite a lot of work is needed to support the animal care work around the farm. The students work is needed with staff to research, design and build hay feeders for the sheep, duck and geese feeders and houses. They carry out repairs and maintenance on fences, gates and animal housing. They support the horticulture planting by building tree guards around sapling which is all very practical satisfying. They support the conservation ethos of the projects by making and sitting bird and bat boxes.
As REACCH has developed staff have supported students in adapting old buildings until they feel brand new and sometimes building new sheds. This provides additional space which the project can then use and might involve building foldable desks, turntables for painting and furniture restoration, kitting out or altering the insides of barns to reflect the needs of individual students, shelving, work surfaces and more. These woodwork skills are also used in landscaping and developing the Scarfeild garden that was designed by students. We have made the borders, vegetable trugs and planters. Woodworking skills that have been learnt can then be transferred to furniture restoration.
Items available for order include:
Students are involved at all stages from design, selecting suitable materials, combining machine and hand tools, finishing to a high standard. The aim is always to develop confidence, understanding and health and safety awareness towards achieving independence in a particular skill or process.
We try to use good quality recycled timbers as much as possible. Students are involved in costing materials, fixings, energy and the finish used in order to develop their practical business skills and price their products realistically.